Allow me to illustrate for you: let's say I am baseball player with a decent hit (no idea why I would choose a sports metaphor given my lack of knowledge about sports, but bear with me). I head to the field, or, erm, the batting cages to practice my swing. Except, I don't practice my swing at first. Even thought it's afternoon and there are other people around practicing their swings and catching and pitching and waving my way, I'm not ready yet. I think about getting a hot dog and then I DO get a hot dog. While there, I do a bit of a condiment taste test. Oh, yeah, sauerkraut is disgusting. Now I remember! How hilarious. I find someone to talk about condiments with. Actually, you know, the more I think about it (alone now with just my thoughts and the hot dog), there's something so relatable about a hot dog; something that taps into a shared experience of America, ya know? Hot dogs. They tie together the tipsy person on the street corner at 2 a.m., the weekend weenie roaster, and anyone with a functioning microwave. I even made a hot dog solar cooker when I was eight years old using tinfoil! At this thought, I tear up. And, suddenly, I am filled with the conviction that HOT DOGS are where the meaning really lies. Why have I wasted my time on something so comparably esoteric? My pastime is neither delicious nor sandwiched by an oblong bun. It's a fool's pastime. You know what? Maybe I should get into hot dogs. I've always liked them, after all. Almost as much as hitting.
(time, maybe, five minutes of time)
Anywhere, where was I? Oh, hot dogs? Yeah, I'm not going to finish this one. They are soooo unhealthy. I can't wait to hit a perfect ball. THAT'S what I really want to do. But first I need to have this conversation about why astroturf is weird. Yes, I know, I've said it before, but this is an essential conversation, and it clearly needs to be had. I have different points than yesterday. Like, maybe one slightly less rehashed point about the qualities of fluorescent greens as illuminated by floodlights. So, I chat about astroturf with whomever happens to be handy. Odd how that guy that sweeps the edges of the field always seems to be on the other side of the field whenever I'm in the mood to have this discussion.
(time passes)
Man, where has the time gone? I am EXHAUSTED! It must be all those fine motor skills I used wiping that ketchup off my shirt. Wait, was that five hours ago?! I guess that astroturf conversation was pretty gripping. Or maybe when I was wandering around trying to find the bathroom....? Regardless, I don't even know if I have the energy to hit today. I mean, I hit a few yesterday, right? Some people have never even been to a major league game before! Hitters like me are rare, after all. I can probably pat myself on the back just for, you know, dreaming of hitting a homer now and again. Or you know what? Even driving here. I mean, I put my bag in a car and I drove here. That's pretty good, right?
So, I start getting my gear together and start heading off the field. I notice that all my other teammates are gone; even the guy that sweeps the edges of the field is gone. Someone is turning off the floodlights, one by one, and darkness whooshes into each portion of the field where the lights have been shining. Finally, there's just one lone floodlight still going--perhaps they've left it on for me and are even now waiting for me to get the hell off the field.
Except I'm not. Suddenly, I'm ready. Drop my bag to the ground. Get my bat out, and magically, a ball pops my way from somewhere off in the darkness (don't think too much on the details) and I swing and swing, the cracks of wood meeting canvas echoing throughout the stadium. And one or two of those hits might even be good (I'm not totally sure, since they're flying off into unlit stadium stands, but whatevs). It feels good, though. It feels really good, like--
--and the last floodlight is switched off. Crap. And I had a really good metaphor for that feeling, too.
That, in short, is my writing work ethic if I were actually a baseball player. You might not want to pick me for your team, but I am still going to finish this novel. One page, one day at time.
Love this, Kirsten! Beautifully written, true to life and hilarious as always, and I very much share the sentiments. Would it help you at all to have an "accountability partner" to send documents to on Sunday? Because um... I feel like it would help me. We wouldn't have to read each other's work (the horror! the horror!) so much as GET IT IN. Let me know if you're interested. Or, if you'd rather hit maybe-homers into the dark stands on your own.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Leah!! I probably don't want to send the pages out (I'm feeling oddly protective and secretive of them at the moment...similar to how a squirrel would feel with its cache of acorns; greedy, greedy little squirrel), BUT I think generally checking in once a week to update each other on our goals could be very motivating, indeed! Have you set a similar goal recently? I'd love to hear!
ReplyDeleteCheck's already in the mail...
As is my adulthood trophy...
ReplyDeleteWell, I have a weekly deadline with my writing coach, which is worth his hourly rate on its own. On weeks when we can't meet and the deadline isn't there, I instead fill all of my writing time with Important Tasks That Earn Money and erhm Facebook. Thusly, I have found the deadline really helpful. I am also thinking of hanging out with Nanowrimo folks just for the atmosphere, even if I'm not participating.
ReplyDeleteI would love another check-in buddy. What day/time would be good for you? I'll make it a weekly event on my Google calendar with an email reminder!