Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Just Shelved

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Solid short story collection highly worth checking out.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Postmodern puzzlebox of a book, linking characters' lives like a spiderweb - tenuous, touch and go. I was alternately moved and frustrated. An interesting companion piece to Cloud Atlas, which attempts similar disruptions in form. Surprisingly, the chapter that engendered the most skepticism -- a chapter told entirely in Powerpoint -- ended up being one of the most moving. I keep taking back my fourth star and then returning it. Egan, we aren't through.


  1. Hi Kristen. Good to see you at 'Book Thunderdome' last night. Couldn't find you on FBook via your name. I'm 'Mel Zimmerman' on there, BTW.


    -- Mel Murphy

  2. How weird--I didn't realize that my privacy settings were so high. Well, I just found you on there, so hopefully that works! :-) Nice to run into you as well!


  3. I really liked the short story "Selling the General" by Jennifer Egan, but then I read Look at Me and it was pretty disappointing. The short story's great and online; I recommend it.
